man standing at ocean sunrise

Intuitive Art

See yourself in a new light and get a completely unique view into your energy with an Energetic Signature Portrait.

This is your sacred symbology, activating your next level of awareness and expansion. These are powerful pieces of connection, inspiration and remembrance.

What could it feel like to witness the reflection of your radiant Soul?

Click Here to Order an Energetic Signature Portrait

Look at all these Radiant Souls!

I love sharing examples of Energetic Signature Portraits because
it showcases the amazing community of people fiercely shining their light into the world!

If you scroll down this page, you'll see some of the original portraits, completed in 2020-2021.

To see the most recent style and "vibe" of this art, click the buttons for more sample pages.

Page 1 Examples
Page 2 Examples
Page 3 Examples
Portraits Over Time
Most Recent

A Sacred Reflection

To create this art, I sit in ceremony with your Higher Self (and guides, ancestors, loved ones) and translate the colors, shapes, light codes and textures that come through during that time. It is often an energy and frequency-based depiction of you in this moment. We can also see other timelines or aspects of you come through in the art rather than solely the present moment. I ask for whatever is needed for the highest and best good for each individual in the moment in which I am connecting with them.

What I share through this art is not intended to override or overwrite what you know deeply about yourself. I am sharing what I do as an aspect, a mirror through which you have the opportunity to reflect. Just like we can choose to look in a full length mirror, a makeup mirror or a compact mirror, we see different aspects of self in each reflection.

Clients have powerful reactions to these pieces.  Many feel tingling or buzzing. Some feel dizzy or come to tears.  Others feel a sense of déja vu because the symbols and colors feel so familiar and resonant.   Some may feel uncomfortable with their portraits and may dislike the colors or patterns that appear.  These are pieces designed to facilitate healing.  Healing is not always comfortable.  Your portrait may hold messages that you are not yet willing to see or explore within yourself.

You can use your sacred artwork in meditation, as a map for a crystal grid, or to prompt journaling exercises.  Many clients display their portraits at home as a reminder of their connection to universal life, guidance and personal radiance.

A dynamic representation of YOU, the Energetic Signature Portrait can be a powerful tool of connection, exploration and healing.



Energetic Signature Portrait

Sacred, custom and personal art of your unique energetic signature.  Includes high resolution digital download of the completed portrait plus 15-page pdf booklet with brief interpretation, channeled message and general tips for working with and "reading" your portrait.   Click the Order Now button to learn more, read frequently asked questions and purchase.


Energetic Signature Portrait for a Pet

Sacred, custom and personal art of your pet's unique energetic signature.  Includes high resolution digital download of the completed portrait. (For pets in Spirit, please select the Energetic Signature Portrait for a Loved One in Spirit). Click the Order Now button to learn more, read frequently asked questions and purchase.


Energetic Signature Portrait
for a Loved One in Spirit (Person or Pet)

Sacred, custom and personal art of the energetic signature of a loved on in Spirit who has crossed over and is no longer in physical form. Includes high resolution digital download of the completed portrait.  Click the Order Now button to learn more, read frequently asked questions and purchase.


Give the gift of art

If you would like to give an Energetic Signature Portrait to someone else, you will need to purchase a gift certificate. This allows your gift recipient to redeem their gift code at any time in the next year and, more importantly, allows them to grant their permission for me to connect with their energy. Available for people, pets and loved ones in Spirit.


Soul Gateway Art

Unique, custom art representing the sacred geometry and energetic signature of the gateway transition of a Soul's arrival to (birth) or departure from (death) this lifetime.  Available for people or pets.


One Year of Energetic Signature Portraits

Check in on your energy throughout a full year and receive one Energetic Signature Portrait every twelve weeks.  This is a great way to see your development and evolution reflected in your sacred geometry.  And even better...there's a per portrait discount when you order a package!

Use coupon code SPRING24 by 6/1 for 10% off the regular package price.


What people are saying...


TAs soon as I saw the portrait (before reading your pdf), I started crying. I can't explain why, but it was so emotional and loving and beautiful. Thank you so much. I really needed what came through. Divine timing.


I am very pleased with my energetic signature portrait done by Heather - it spoke to me deeply and I felt she picked up on things about my energy on an intuitive level and confirmed a lot of things on my spiritual journey.  The intuitive feedback was spot on! Thank you. Highly recommend


My Energetic Signature Portrait is amazing! My heart fluttered and I heard a drum-like echo in my ears as soon as I saw it.And I don't even know why!


Hello Heather, thank you for the portrait.  It looks amazing.  Oddly enough that the bright light in the picture was also in my heart chakra when I had an Aura photo taken.  Even the shape is the same.  Thank you so much.  You are very gifted.


First of all, WOW. When I first saw my Energetic Signature Portrait, my heart and third eye tingled and vibrated! am really in love with it! The colours are so me, and I was immediately drawn to the "light language" on the top right! I have been researching Light Language too, so that was amazing that you picked that up! I really appreciate the interpretation / feedback of what came through for me - I thought it was very accurate with my spiritual journey and just confirmed the thoughts and ideas I have been having lately about my spiritual progress and evolution! I do love helping and nurturing others (and my furry friends, too!), but I agree that I also need the time for self-care as well! Thank you so much for the lovely portrait, I am so touched and pleasantly surprised with how it turned out. It feels so right for me! I will get it framed up nicely :-). Thank you for your kind words, Heather! 


Thank you so much, Heather!  My portrait is absolutely magnificent and is a beautiful representation of my energy.  It's such a wonderful gift to be seen in this way.  You are amazingly talented!  I am grateful to have this art which I plan to display in my home.  When I look at this, I can feel a powerful energy activation and greatly appreciate that.  It feels like an expansion and unfolding into who I aspire to become and embody - the highest expression of myself.

Hi, I'm Heather.  I'm passionate about empowering others to connect with their Divine Radiant Light.

As a kid, I was obsessed with my spirograph toy and calligraphy.  I loved shapes, lines, curves and color. I took art classes in college and loved nothing more than sitting under an old oak tree and sketching with charcoal on a newspaper pad.

My artistic itch has been scratched by photography for the past 15 years and I still love that medium, but recently something else has been bubbling up for me to take notice.

It's my highest honor and greatest excitement to combine art and intuition to create channeled Energetic Signature Portraits.

Learn More About Me

More feedback...


My first impressions of the image:  beautiful,  my favorite soothing colors! I felt like crying but I'm not sure why.   I saw smiley faces in images.  I loved the symmetry.  I noticed the right side of the circle was either allowing positives in or leaving room for the past to escape.  I can't wait to study it more!


This is beautiful and the channeled message made me tear up. Everything was very true.


Thank you so much for my beautiful portrait.  First thought, love the colours, so me. Resonant colours with our beautiful Gaia.  My gut feeling is that the portrait is a key and that the outer corners lock together with other identical structures to form a healing grid which would have once covered the Earth.  I see the faces of dogs and a horse in my portrait. Also human and extra terrestrial faces.  I am sure I will have much more to share with you the more time I sit with my portrait.


I love it so much!!! Thank you for such a beautiful channeling! Your notes and messages that came through touched me very deeply on a soul level. Everything resonated very much! It was exactly what I needed to hear in this current moment of time and space. I will reconnect with this over and over again. Thank you again for all energy and time and for you expressing your light.

Questions and Answers

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