woman at grand canyon

One-on-One Coaching

Awaken your next-level growth, develop your intuitive skills, transcend and transmute obstacles preventing your success.

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Ascend and Transcend

Stepping into your highest and best potential can be exhilarating and daunting in equal measure.  We can't always see around our own corners and we can all benefit from someone else's perspective and guidance from time to time.  

LUMINOUS coaching shines a light on your unique path, enabling and empowering you to move upward and forward to claim your best self.

woman with camera in field of flowers

Let's Focus on You

I am passionately committed to helping you reach higher, stretch to your newest potential and grab that radiant light within yourself to beam it out into the world!   If you feel called to the path of Wayshower, Lightworker, or New Earth Leader, the world needs the glorious beacon of your Divine Radiant Light!

If you're ready to fully align with your inner divinity...the sacred and majestic spark of radiant light within, LUMINOUS is for you.

This is a highly personalized, focused and supercharged way for us to work together.  It is a sacred journey that we embark on together. 

What's Included


LUMINOUS coaching sessions are highly customizable.  Some clients seek mentoring and coaching on intuitive or animal communication abilities, some seek deeper healing work and mindset coaching.  

LUMINOUS is about expansion, freedom and transcendence.    It is the blossoming into your calling, your next level, your Soul-aligned truth.

Access ALL the magic within you and become LUMINOUS!

woman with balloons
woman in white sweater with arms up

Who is right
for LUMINOUS coaching?

I work with clients who desire additional support in the development of their psychic and intuitive abilities, their animal communication skills, their healing journey, to confidently launch new products or to up-level their Soul-aligned business (or to define what is Soul-aligned for them!).

LUMINOUS coaching is not a one-sided, show-up-and-receive-your-healing service.  It is for conscious co-creators who are ready to do the work on their own healing, resolving their own limiting beliefs and owning their growth and expansion.

A good coach gives you the tools and lights the path - but you make the decision how to use those tools for yourself.

If you're ready and willing to show up, committed to yourself and have at least a foundational awareness that your thoughts, emotions and behaviors create your reality, then LUMINOUS is right for you.

I'm honored to be the coach in your corner, giving you new perspectives  and techniques, but it is you who gets back into the ring to "fight" another day.

Put me in, coach! I'm ready!

reflect.  radiate. grow.



I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am filled with eternal gratitude for you being in my journey.  Everything is better because of your charm, sunny personality & unexcelled virtuosity with your sills, connections & abilities.  I am truly blessed to be coached by you.


I want to thank you for meeting with me today, you are a wonderful person and teacher.  I feel so calm and focused on my path.
My doubts about religion and Guides have been elimianted. I now know my guides put you in my life for this reason


You've helped me more
than any therapist ever has.

Conscious Coaching
for Your Next Level

If you are at a crossroads, desire to develop your intuitive or animal communication skills, on the threshold of opportunities like a new job, new product launch, or need focused support for creative projects such as writing and self-publishing or speaking your authentic truth in your soul-aligned business, this is an unparalleled level of support that will help you energetically align with the next step of your journey.

Questions and Answers


I've partnered with clients in an intuitive capacity around the world for over twenty years.  My coaching style is relaxed and encouraging, but I also know how and when to push your buttons.  I've been described as a shot of whiskey - maybe a little bit of a burn at first, but then a fade into a sense of warmth and contentment.  😉

Learn More About Me

Schedule Your Session

You can book a single appointment using the calendar here. Select a highlighted date to see the times available on that day.

The calendar reflects my current availability. No other times are available. I don't offer urgent or emergency sessions. I also don't maintain a waitlist, so I can't advise if/when other times become available. You can easily reschedule your appointment from within the email confirmation you receive and you can check for sooner availability from that email too.

Session packages are available too and are a popular option for those looking to accelerate their progress. Package participants receive priority scheduling with appointments often available as early as the following week.
Scroll down for more info.


Having someone in your corner can make all the difference

When you're heads-down and focused on learning new skills and developing new abilities, having a personal mentor to support and coach you through that expansion is invaluable.

Like going to the gym - if you go just one time to do your cardio and lift your weights, you may see some results -  but if you have a personal trainer in your corner to help you with the proper form, show you different tools and exercises and encourage you to go the distance, you'll maximize your results.

For those willing to put in the focused work, I offer coaching packages that allow us to partner together over a period of weeks or months for your development and expansion.

The work that we do together will be customized and personal to you - this is not a group coaching container, it's a targeted one-on-one approach, uniquely designed to support you wherever you are on your journey.

Dedicate time for yourself to jumpstart and supercharge your growth and development.

Select Session Package and Payment Options

Let's Keep in Touch

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