Assistance for Locating Lost Pets
I no longer offer Lost Pet Consultations, but I wanted to provide some helpful information for those who may need it. I hope that the info on this page helps to create a happy reunion with your pet.
Your energy is key...
Your active and balanced participation in the recovery of your pet is very important.
You are the one with the super-charged relationship with your pet. All of the love that you share between you serves as the magnet and glue that bond you together. The intuitive and animal communication services of any consultant you may work with are only a part of the overall recovery effort.
Your Emotions
Realizing that your beloved furry friend is lost can trigger feelings of panic, guilt, loss and grief. These feelings sometimes push us into a state of desperation where we operate from a low vibration of fear. When we are in a fearful state, we collapse the wave of all that is possible and limit the resolutions to our situation.
It is valid and expected to have deep emotions when your pet is lost. When you are in the active recovery phase of searching for your pet, it is helpful to quickly process (move past) those emotions that have a negative resonance so that you can be a better vibrational match for a positive outcome.
Using the Emotional Guidance Scale show here, examine your own feelings. What emotions are you experiencing? What actions can you take to shift into a higher frequency emotion where you allow for greater possible outcomes?
Tips for Locating Lost Pets
In addition to being great ways to network within your community, these actions signal your energetic intent to locate your pet.
- Check all local area shelters. Go to the shelter, don't just call with a description of your pet. Look at the pets they have brought in as strays. Leave your contact information at the shelters. Many shelters have a Lost and Found pet book at the front desk - place your pet's picture and your info in that book.
- Post flyers in your area with your pet's picture and your contact information. Post at visible locations like intersections but also in stores where allowed.
- Post your pet as lost on neighborhood apps like Nextdoor, Facebook and Craigslist.
- Monitor Facebook, Nextdoor and Craigslist for posts from people who have found pets.
- If you can and feel comfortable doing so, offer a reward.
- Alert local rescue groups to your lost pet.
- If one is available in your area, work with a tracker, someone who utilizes a tracking dog or pack of dogs to locate an animal.
Do This Daily To Help You Connect and Reunite
The Lighthouse Visualization:
Quiet your mind. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Bring your awareness to your heart and the center of your chest. Imagine a beam of light shining from your heart like a lighthouse out to your pet. Clearly picture your pet feeling and sensing this light within his/her heart. Send love and gratitude and thank them for finding their way back to you and then clearly picture what that reunion will look like. What will it sound like? How will you feel in that moment? Stay with this image for a few moments and repeat this as many times as you feel is right for you.
I am not currently accepting new Lost Pet cases. I am not aware of any other Animal Communicators who work with lost pets, so I'm unable to provide names or recommendations.