Synchronize to
the reality you desire

Your brain believes what you tell it. It produces the same hormones and chemicals when you imagine an event as when you actually experience that event. Since your brain mirrors back to you, biologically and chemically, that which you feed it, why not serve it delicious, wholesome thoughts that wire you for greatness rather than the tired leftovers of doubt, worry and fear?

Let it Sync In: Affirm Your Awesomeness

Affirmations are a powerful tool to stake a claim in our own personal territory.  They enable us to boldly create and proactively witness the qualities we want to adopt and the realities we want to create.   When combined with elevated emotions like gratitude or joy, the thoughts we think and the words we say synchronize our energy to those very realities.  

Each volume of the Let it Sync In series includes 50 powerful affirmations related to its topic.  There is also abundant space to journal, doodle or draw so that you can record your thoughts, your experiences and your successes to AFFIRM YOUR AWESOMENESS!

Collect all volumes in the series, or grab the ones that resonate most!

Volume One: Personal Power

 In our daily lives, we are challenged by busy days filled with appointments, to-do lists, careers and relationships. In the rare moments when we can slow down, we often feel a bit disoriented. Where are we - our true, authentic selves - in the midst of all this modern chaos? How can we replenish our confidence and our inner authority inside a world that can seem to push us around?

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Volume Two: Health

The challenges to our health exist all around us (if we let them!): the stress we carry from our jobs and our relationships, the poor choices we make in diet and exercise, the inherited conditions we share with our ancestors.  In a world that keeps us on the go, how can we maintain and optimize our health?

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Volume Three: Abundance

Many of us aspire to greater quantities of financial abundance. We keep a watchful eye on the horizon for “more”, but we can get in our own way by carrying past life trauma, ancestral and karmic cords and limiting beliefs. How can we break ties with those energetic hindrances blocking us from abundance?

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Volume Four: Love

Love. In short, it’s why we’re all here. It is the undercurrent of our relationships with ourselves, our families, our friends and our partners. It is resplendent in its majesty and yet we can find it challenging to navigate. How can we feel confident and sure-footed in our pursuit of love?

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Volume Five: Joy & Radiance

 In our daily modern lives, we’re inundated with programming based on manipulation.  Movies, television, news and social media all too often push for conformity, showing a disregard for our unique Authentic Self that longs for the spark of sovereignty and truth.  Amidst such external noise, how can we stand tall in our own truths and live each day with joy and radiance?


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