girl with dandelion

Empower children to shine

Kids aren't always taught that they have an inner light, a connection to the Divine, a true authentic Self.  Help them learn techniques to center and connect with themselves when they feel sad, scared or just not like themselves.

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Emmerly Finds Her Light

Emmerly woke up feeling sad and scared and didn't know why she wasn't her usual happy, bubbly self.  It's a terrible thing to start your day off this way!

She had quite simply lost her light and didn't know how to find it.

Based on the lessons found in the best-selling book Hey Radiant Souls: A Guide for Finding and Shining Your Light, the story takes the reader through a whimsical world with 12 practical tips to help kids center, stay grounded and shine their bright, beautiful inner light out into the world.

Emmerly Finds Her Light is a children's book for kids of all ages, even the grown-up ones. 

Story by Heather Mays.
Illustrations by Elettra Cudignotto.


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What if our children knew this without a shadow of a doubt? 

"Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion."


more activities for little ones


help them find their light

The free activities shared here are intended to help parents and teachers expand on the lessons in the book with their little ones.  Pro tip: The activities work for grown-ups too!

Polar Bear: Tune Out to Tune In

The Activity:  Polar Bear teaches that we each have a song that only we can sing.   Have your little ones create their own song.  Ask them what it would sound like.  Is it fast?  Slow?  Can they dance to it?  How does it make them feel?  How is their song different from yours?

The Purpose:  Connecting to their own identity and expressing what it feels like to be an individual.

Monkey: Love What You Lack

The Activity:  Ask your little ones to imagine that they have a tail like a monkey.  Their tail can stretch all the way to the ground.  It has a special ability to scoop energy up from the Earth and share that energy with them.  Have them close their eyes, picture their monkey tail extending down to touch the ground, scooping energy up and painting energy up their legs all the way to their backsides.

The Purpose:  This is a grounding exercise to help little ones feel that energy can flow from around them into their energetic bodies.   This exercise draws energy into the first energetic center (the Root chakra), which is connected to security and family.   When they feel overwhelmed or scared, they can use this technique to feel more secure.

Turtle: Embrace Your Pace

The Activity:  Have your little ones sit on the ground at a turtle's eye view.  Ask them to pretend that they can only crawl slowly in order to complete a task.  What do they notice from this perspective that they don't normally see?  What does it feel like in their body to go slowly?

The Purpose:  Adding purpose and awareness to movement, this slows little ones down to help them expand their attention to the world around them.

Chameleon: Choose Your View

The Activity:  Ask your little one to look around a room and try to remember as many details as possible.  Then, go to a different room and have them draw all that they remember from the first room.  When they're finished, have them compare their drawing to the real room and talk about all that they could "see" in their mind's eye.

The Purpose:  This can help develop clairvoyance and memory as well as helping littles notice things around them, outside of themselves.

Lion: Live Your Luck

The Activity:  The Reflecting Pool. Have your little one stand in front of a mirror and imagine that she has already done something that is a challenge for her (rode her bike for the first time, made a new friend, etc).  Ask her to feel in her body how it feels to have accomplished the great new thing.  Have her look at her reflection as she imagines - does she stand taller, smile bigger, look happier?

The Purpose:  Embodying the energy of what we want to create helps us magnetize that new reality to us.  Teaching kids to feel into something and imagine it happening gives them a great tool for co-creating their own reality.

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