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What Messages Would Your Pet Have for You?

"Some people talk to animals.  Not many listen, though.  That's the problem". ~A.A. Milne
I'm often asked to describe what our animal friends talk about during a session.  Animals communicate with love, respect and a sense of gratefulness for the opportunity to be heard.  They are both aware of and involved in our daily lives.  They are in tune with our emotional states of being in ways that we may not even fully realize.
A cat client let me know she was very intrigued by her new water dish.  Her mom confirmed after the session that she had just bought a drinking fountain but hadn't even unpacked it from the box yet.   Similarly, a dog client told me that his food dish was his favorite thing and that was it really very special for him.  His human confirmed that he lived in a multi-dog household but he was the only dog who had this particular type of slow-feed bowl.
A dog client let me know it was time for her massage.  Her human confirmed that she gives her dog body and facial massages every morning.
Another dog mentioned that there was something new in his environment that he wasn't happy with.  This new thing was making a beeping noise that he didn't like.  He asked if it could be moved somewhere else because his ears were sensitive to it.   His human confirmed after the session that the smoke detector in the house had been beeping to prompt for a battery replacement.
A session of animal communication can also have a very specific goal if the human companion has questions or is seeking answers to behavioral or emotional challenges with the pet.   Sometimes, what is discussed in a session can be very specific to the relationship between the pet and his/her human.  Frequently, our pet's issues mirror our own current state. 
During a session, we can identify how the pet is holding that energy for us and how we can best move forward with our own issues or challenges.  Building that awareness and taking action to work through our issues can, as a result, help the pet.   We can gain a better understanding of the deep connection that we share with our animal companions.   Profound healing can occur when we realize how our thoughts, feelings and energy affect our animals.
Our pets are aware and active participants in our lives.  They are grateful for the opportunity to be heard and to have their observations and opinions validated.   Connect with me today to schedule a session.  It would be my honor and privilege to work with you and your pets.