yellow puppy walking

Quantum Radiance Resonance

Find balance and harmonize your energy body's frequencies. Activate that within you that is the natural healer.

Energetic Support for
Your Best & Highest Purpose


We live in a world that can seem complicated and noisy.  Without proper energetic maintenance, we can pick up the negative energy ("vibes") from other people and events.  We can even unknowingly carry past traumas with us, stuck in our energy field, creating a depletion and imbalance in our physical, emotional and mental health.   

If you're ready for an energetic tune-up, a Quantum Radiance Resonance Healing session may be right for you!


connect. reflect.  radiate.

girl in gray sweater petting gray and white cat

Does this sound familiar?

All too often we put the needs of others ahead of our own to an extent that isn't healthy.  We pack our schedules full of appointments and tasks until we're so depleted that we feel small, helpless and exhausted.

We may be in relationships and work arrangements that don't support our highest and best good, yet we feel stuck, stymied by the thought of establishing boundaries.

We often take our health for granted - right up until the point we receive a diagnosis that shatters the illusion we held for ourselves.

Too many times, we hit a wall...and keep going right through it.

Even when we're in the best of health, it's so important to keep our energy bodies in top form.  This allows us to process incoming energies, ascension symptoms and have a stronger foundation for any fluctuations in our emotional, physical bodies.


Quantum Radiance Resonance Healing is a synergistic modality that is customized to meet the needs of each client within the sacred container of each healing session.


I work with my Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Higher Dimensional Beings and your Spirit team to intuit which modalities are best for your needs at the time of your session.


Modalities used in a session may include:

  • Reiki
  • BioScalar wave
  • Sound healing
  • DNA activations
  • Chakra balancing
  • Auric Grid Alignment
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Channeled Light Codes/Light Language
  • Breathwork
  • Labyrinth/movement
  • Ho'Oponopono 
  • Biolumosphere Quantum Balancing

My Guides also frequently direct and assist with healing work that is not part of any defined modality.

What Others Are Saying


I resonate very much with your feedback...I have dealt with asthma my whole life ever since I was very young and I truly do seem to have a lot of stored up grief and I never thought about it, but grievances as well.  I can tap in very easily to that storehouse whenever I get close to making a change forward or when I feel like rolling around in tears,  which really makes sense with the information you gave me about the outdated energy matrix I'm lugging around!  I love that you saw a geode because a dear friend I have finds these little geode rocks all the time on the beach and she gave me a whole bunch of them over the last year that i have in a bowl on my dresser.  I don't know if it's the kind of geode you envisioned, but it is what she calls them and I find that link interesting...


As usual, I was having a hard time slowing my breath and relaxing my body [at the start of the session]. So I was like ok, let’s pay attention to something other than not being able to relax. At some point, my chest felt very constricted and I wasn’t having trouble breathing but I felt like my breathing took effort. It got very intense for me for a bit.  I started to consciously breathe out whatever was stuck. Then I felt similar pressure and constriction in my belly and my throat simultaneously. I was like ‘what is going on here?!’ At that point, I looked at the clock and was like ‘is this over yet?!’  Then I suddenly relaxed and I must have drifted off to sleep because I felt my head jerk and my finger lift up and all of a sudden it was 8!  

How Does It Work?


Our physical, emotional and mental bodies are guided and supported by an energetic body.  This energy interacts with and is influenced by everything we encounter.


Science has shown that disease starts at the energetic level and, if not cleared, can manifest as physical dis-ease and illness.


Energy work supports overall health by balancing the physical, mental and spiritual planes of existence.  It is also a powerful tool to integrate your etheric Light Body with your physical body, to activate dormant DNA, and to assist with your ascension into New Earth realities.


For a Quantum Radiance Activation session, we meet over Zoom either by video or phone. At the start of the session, we chat for about 5 minutes. We then mute and pop off cameras (but keep the Zoom meeting open). You relax and I conduct the session. For the last 5-10 minutes of the session, we come back on camera and unmute ourselves to share what we witnessed and experienced.


This is my preferred way to connect so that we are sharing the same moment both remotely and in a way that allows for flexibility and conversation. I also offer a limited number of fully remote (non-phone/video) sessions bundled in packages of 3, 6 or 12.

This is not a healing session

Let me explain...

A Quantum Radiance Resonance session provides an opportunity for your energy body to come into harmony with those frequencies that can benefit it at this time. You are the healer. The work that I do provides the pathway for your own healing.

Think of it in terms of Wi-Fi. The metaphorical Wi-Fi signal of our energy bodies can become depleted. We can be in an experience of what we would call illness or dis-ease and the frequencies that we are experiencing are, as a result, lower.

Imagine that you have a Wi-Fi signal strength indicator like we would see on a phone or device. We are often at one or two bars of signal strength. We can get by, but we’re not as optimized as we could be.

A Quantum Radiance Resonance session serves as a metaphorical Wi-Fi booster. Within the session, I channel high frequencies and allow your energy body to come into resonance with what it needs to increase its own signal strength.

This may not result in the elimination of disease or the improvement of symptoms you experience. The highest resonance of your energy body in this moment may be to restore healthy digestion, to experience a higher quality of sleep, to move past limiting beliefs, to experience a suppressed memory so that it can no longer hold a place of imbalance within your energy system. All are aspects of a balanced energy body but may not appear to be related in a cause-and-effect way with the symptoms you are experiencing.

In our phone example, moving closer to a strong Wi-Fi signal can improve your own signal strength, but there may be other factors involved. Your device may have insufficient bandwidth. You may need a software update. There may be trees, buildings or weather impacting the strength of the signal. In your own healing, there may be other factors at play and other modalities or activities you need to explore for optimal wellness.

What to Expect/How to Prepare

Energy healing is not linear.

It operates in tandem with the body’s natural healing, your Soul’s free will choice, intention and timing. In allopathic medicine, we are accustomed to the equation of Symptom + Solution = Remedy/Cure/Fix

That equation does not apply in energy medicine. Allopathic medicine has a reductionist perspective that views the body as a machine with the view that something is wrong in one area because the mechanism within that area has failed.

Energy medicine is holistic and sees all of our experiences, thoughts and emotions as contributors to our health and wellness. With energy medicine, we are working on the energy body - the subtle light and energy fields around and within the body. What we experience as a physical or emotional symptom of disease or injury is often related to an imbalance within the energy systems of the body.

Those correlations and interrelations are not linear and are not one-to-one. For example, an experience of arthritis may be connected in an energetic sense to having over-expressed or under-expressed standing up for yourself so that, in a sense, energetically your body braces and clenches and holds itself stiff resulting in what you experience as arthritis. Where allopathic medicine would likely prescribe an anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever for this condition, with energy medicine, we seek to balance the parts of the energy body that are out of balance. To our logical minds, those imbalances may not seem connected to the symptoms we are experiencing.

If you require an exact equation of Problem + Precise Solution = Exact Result, then energy healing may not be a good fit for you.

Anatomy of a Session

A Quantum Radiance Resonance Healing session is a container and a framework in which high frequencies are held and channeled in a manner that allows the parts of your energy body that are ready to come into a resonance of balance and wellness to do so.

While I am aware of and mindful of the conditions you experience as illness or disease, I do not "apply" healing to any part of the body. I observe the entire energetic system and allow the energy body to show me what is in need of balancing at the time of the session. These observations and the techniques I use to balance energy may seem unrelated to the physical symptoms you experience as illness or disease.

Time is not a measurement that energy follows or a rule to which energy adheres. I may witness energetic stagnations, blockages or imbalances related to experiences, emotions or memories that are not related to the present moment. 

The energy body holds a record of all we have thought, felt and experienced. Things that seem unrelated to your current issues may have a relevant and surprising entanglement.

You deserve to feel radiant!

"In the days following my session with Heather, I felt like a different human.  I felt like all of the energy that was off, all of the things that were going on with me, I understood and I could deal with.  It’s an incredible sense of peace that I got.  If you’re ever in a place where you just don’t get it, you need a session with Heather.  I am so grateful to Heather for giving me back me.  She’s amazing!" - Cheryl

hey radiant soul! 👋🏻✨

I'm Heather.  I'm passionate about serving others in support of their highest and best outcomes.

Imagine a world where everyone took note and care of their own energetic field, maintained vibrant energetic health and both set and expected healthy boundaries!

We could catalyze change within and around us at some phenomenal rates.

I believe in supporting seekers on their journey to living the life of their dreams and whether that is perfect, radiant health, optimized mental clarity, activating dormant DNA or clearing stagnant energy.

If you're ready to take the next step toward supporting your emotional, physical and energetic health, it would be my honor to support you.


Learn More About Me

Appointment Availability

Quantum Radiance Resonance Healing appointments are available only as a package of sessions and only for existing clients.

If we have not yet worked together within the container of a phone or video appointment, please schedule a Soul Alche-ME appointment first. If you would like additional healing support after that time, you will be able to select the QRRH package that meets your needs (3, 6 or 12 sessions).

Existing Clients: Click Here to Purchase or Renew Your Healing Package

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